Return / Refund Policy

Returns / Exchanges

We want you to be happy with our products and your TAP experience, so we will do all we can to handle your return or exchange fairly and quickly! Please take a quick read of our return guidelines then click the return policy link to get started.

 Some Guidelines we like to follow:

We are a small business, and we will hustle to take good care of you.  Help us out by following these guidelines, it will help do a better job for you!

  • Our returns have a 30-day window from delivery date. 
  • Your return can be handled by giving you a store credit, exchange, or credit back to the card used to purchase the return items.  
  • Please return your items in the same packing you received it in (shirts in bags and the hats in the shipping box.)
  • All items must be unworn, clean, not odor or hair covered, etc.
  • If we receive your returned item that is worn, dirty, etc, we will return it to you and will charge your credit card for that shipping. (Don’t make us go there!)

Damaged Product or Order issues

We stand behind our products.  If you receive one of our products that is damaged or has some problem, please take a photo, and provide a description of what isn’t right, and we will make it right!

Any questions about returns / exchanges please email 



Click here to start the return process